Wednesday, November 4th, The Hollows art space had the opening for its latest show curated by Piril Gündüz and Baptiste Semal. Here are 15 reasons this show ruled and the artists that made it happen. The show is on until December 20th, at The Hollows art space on 780 Bushwick Avenue.
#1. 3D paintings installed that include multiple mediums and pull you in.
Work by Seren Morey
#2. Rooms that look like something from a Tim Burton set but also include mind-bending light-fixture installations.
Work By Dave Rittinger
#3. Angled wooden boxes that force you to take a trip down some unknown road.
Work by Ryan Frank
#4. Cardboard is repurposed into a new ecosystem.
Work By Ivan Stojakovic
#5. You can enter a room placed on walls in a box with windows that lead to a mystic light.
Work By Robert Hickerson
#6. An artist showing us what beauty can happen when strings are actually attached.
Work By Christina Massey
#7. See what happens when a fountain becomes an active installation that creates its own art.
Work By Dakota Sica
#8. A spider-looking sculpture plays a symphony in a room.
Work By Alana MacDougall
#9. A room shows us both the beauty and darkness of a mortal life.
Work By Ian Trask
#10. A shrine is made just to show you that social media is not your God.
Work By Dallas Athent
All photos by Dallas Athent